Monday, December 19, 2011

Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro
The longtime dictator teases the Guinness Book of Records

With his old obsession with the bombings and political conspiracies, the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro teased the directors of the Guinness Book of Records, in which appears the longtime Communist leader as the person who most often been attempted murder in history. According to the book were 638 attacks between 1959 and 2006. How do you know Guinness? Because the propaganda apparatus of the Cuban system told him. Is it possible? Let's accounts.

Between 1959 and 2006 it took 47 years. The mathematical operation that follows is of primary education. 638 attacks from 47 years yields the following result: 13.574468, ie 13.6 attacks per year. And as the year has 12 months, Fidel Castro would have had more than one attack per month for 47 years. A joke? No. This announcement brings the same alarmist logic of the Cuban regime, with its endless hurricane of political slogans that many have bought over half a century. These slogans are those of the Cuban people is the "most educated of the world" "the world's healthiest people," "the freest people in the world" and "the most independent people in the world."

In fact, the record should be emphasized that only 53 days of anniversary of the arrival of the brothers Fidel and Raul Castro to power, is especially Fidel, is the longest-dictator has been in power in the modern era. And it must also have the years of his alleged retirement from his illness in 2006. At the official inauguration of the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, and was president of the Councils of State and Ministers, Raul Castro said it very well. "Fidel is the undisputed leader of the revolution, and requires no administrative fee ...". That is, Fidel Castro still commands in Cuba, at least at the strategic level.

Another record to be underlined is that Cuba is the only country in the world where there has been a food ration card for half a century, although the government has so far been the owner of all means of production and services, and has relationships with 180 countries worldwide. This greatly devalues ​​the old and useless controversy over Washington's economic embargo against Havana.

And speaking of military interventions in other countries, Cuba has the record for publicly confessed - Fidel did in Brazil in the 90's - who was involved in all American countries except Mexico. He did this through a powerful and incendiary guerrilla movement with arms rural and urban, with support from the Soviet Union for three decades, from 1960. The Marines United States, for example, have never been below the Panama Canal.

Importantly, another record is undisputed that the Cuban people is the only Western world has not decided his political destiny through free elections, democratic, multiparty since 1948. 63 years ago that the Cubans were for the last time the polls in those conditions. Then elected president Carlos Prio, who was overthrown in March 1952 by General Fulgencio Batista. The general, in turn, was in power only six years, nine months and 21 days, before the revolution led by Castro overthrew the January 1, 1959.
