Sandra Bullock |
If they could just run away from Hollywood! No, Sandra Bullock's dearest wish has nothing to do with a career low. He always comes over for Christmas. Then they would prefer to fly to Nuremberg. In the hometown of her mother, she spent part of her youth. The lights and the festive mood of the people at the Christmas market, the smell of sausage and cinnamon rolls into the cold night air - memories which exert a magical attraction for Topschauspielerin.
How to survive your wanderlust?
Sandra Bullock: While I celebrate Christmas at home just like old times. I decorate the tree with ornaments that I bought in Germany. The gingerbread I will fly directly from Nuremberg. And if it were me, I would light candles and correct. But that is unfortunately banned in America - because of fire danger.
Like any private fireworks at New Year. 2011 was not an easy year for you in 2012 you probably really long now brought, after all the hubbub about your private life. How are you?
What I went through there was, of course not very nice. I had actually painted differently. Bottom line, I must say that I am grateful for what has given me life. That has not changed anything and nothing will change anything.
Divorce is difficult enough when it is not held in public. How have you managed to not turn off completely?
Who says I'm not turned (laughs)? I think that my sense of humor was important. One must not take everything personally, what one is thrown at his head. I have a great group of friends who are always there for me. And then there's this great little man
... Named Louis ...
... Makes me wake up every morning happy.
Are you a mother hen rather than mother, who wants to protect her child at all costs? Or they let Louis much room to develop freely?
I do both. I'd like to give my son is free and independent, that he has confidence in itself and a little credit for. But that's only if he knows that he always has a mother in the hindquarters, which will protect him.
Orient yourself in the education of your own?
Of course. I always find myself back again, as I do things that my mother has done. Of course with my own personal touch. Since then I have a child, I learn an awful lot of new things about myself.
You and your mother Helga had a very close relationship ...
... In which there was a lot of spat. I know that I once said, with five to her: "I wish you were dead" I'm From today's perspective, this proposition of course, very sorry. Since I am a mother myself, I have only learned to really appreciate what my mom did everything for me.
Tell you!
It has rules and I had to hold me to it, no matter how much I rebelled against it. Thank God. Otherwise I would possibly become pregnant at 17 already.
As the German Helga has kept her half-American daughter from this fate?
Before I was 18, I could not agree with me guys. When my only date I had to call home every 20 minutes. How embarrassing! I could not even go with a boy alone in his car. She was a sly one, my mother.
They even take care of Louis, lead his own production company, making films ... How do you do that?
With a lot of coffee, good, strong, European coffee. From the machine for which George Clooney makes advertising. No, seriously, I set priorities. And I've learned that I am not
can take care of everything alone. You also have to trust others-can.
In the center of your life is a very young man Were there room for an older man?
Is this an offer?
If you have nothing against married men ...
(Loud laughter) Come on out of the question (and then dismisses serious): At the moment I only have time for my little man And so I'm very happy. Of course I do not know what tomorrow will bring ...
Could you imagine one day move back to Germany?
I would not exclude sen. A large part of my family lives there and I visit her as often as possible. It feels as if I had a second home there. I currently have my center of life here in America, but it is quite possible that we suddenly live in five years in Germany.
Talk to Louis also really German?
Yes. He grows completely bilingual. He can tell already perfect, "No" and "No". Those are his two favorite words right now.