Wednesday, December 21, 2011

December 21 2012

December 21 2012
An approximately 800-year-old manuscript is the only evidence for the predicted demise of the Mayan world for a year from today. For this year was not the first prediction, which turns out to probably be wrong.

Have been predicted repeatedly in the history of mankind world sunsets, without this having occurred. Now again circulated a scenario that should come from the Maya. The theory is based on an ancient Maya inscription of what the world is on 21 Should perish December 2012.

But what was really the forecasts for the year 2011?

  • The world was going to be the same drag on for months: it should start on 21 May - at least had the "calculated" of Californian preacher Harold Camping. The complete destruction of the earth, he expected the 21st October - they fell out happily. Also for the downfall of 11.11.2011 was prophesied - without consequence.
  • In the meantime have stumbled over a sex scandal, former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was a "brilliant year," predicted.
  • The first brain transplant is performed
  • For the Catholic Church would be ushered in the end. Already in 2010, showed the first signs. The image suffered in 2010 as a pedophile numerous abuses by the church leaders came to light. According to Malachy prediction, it would come down further in 2011 with the Catholic Church until the final out in 2012.
  • . Pope Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, will 2011, by the year 2012, by The Roman Peter Francis Arinze = - replaced Pius XIII. After this period of office, the "city of seven hills" will be destroyed and a fearsome Judge will judge his people.
  • A certain Winfried Noé announced that dollars and euros by 2015 "devalued", will come in 2011, but no state bankruptcies - wrong!
  • A Susanne Eder joined on their "5-year preview" on increased volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. "The situation is likely to stabilize somewhat Whether it be hinkünftig by new technologies or other measures that will affect all positive, the Uranus-Pluto conjunction. increasingly close to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, floods and hurricanes, however, should not appear as strong as in recent years as Uranus and Neptune are no longer in front. " This should quote in the Philippines and Japan not loud ...
  • Many conspiracy theorists said new attacks on 11 September 2011 ahead - that is, ten years after the attacks on the World Trade Center.
  • Could be the beginning of a new era. Peace through consciousness change and rethinking would be conceivable.
  • 11/11/2011: In the "revelation" was spoken aloud by two witnesses, prophets, the resurrection from the dead. Unfortunately, to date not been clarified, which could have significance this statement.
  • A new world currency was also predicted for 2011: The Amero is, for years, as new coming world currency in conversation. He should be a common currency of the United States, Mexico and Canada, which was probably designed as a precious metal and currency to replace in the event of a severe dollar crash exactly that.
  • In 2011 a new disease should be known. The "Laughing Death", which previously appeared only in a native tribe in Papua New Guinea, leads only to fits of laughter, mood swings, depression, and then to mental confusion and about 1 year later, the patients die, spiritual in complete darkness.
  • Venus and Jupiter approached from 11 May 2011. This is the sign that a new messiah rises.
  • At 8:11 hissed 2011 Asteroid 2005 YU55 past the earth. In the worst case, would have disastrous consequences for the entire globe had, the Prophet.
  • A world war is expected to become the most abominable above all known wars. But first, a clear sign to be seen in the sky. Erzbisch Malachy had in the 11th or 12 Century, a vision in this regard. (Could be a meteorite impact or increased solar flare)
  • Europe had to reckon with the economic collapse and to keep on top of that great difficulties the euro stable.
  • New species of giant spider discovered in South America
  • New horseshoe-shaped UFOs flying over Mexico News
  • China and Russia sign a pact verägern and the United States. Japan and China work together
  • At 12.05. 2011 there would be in Los Angeles / California, an earthquake of level 9.5. The death toll will prove to just 1.Mio. Throughout California to die in the earthquake nearly 1.5 million people. There will be several aftershocks up to magnitude 7, and cost another 100,000 lives.
  • Los Angeles is evacuated.
  • The survivors are forced to move to Las Vegas, Sacramento, Portland.
  • In the following decades, these cities are the most dangerous in the U.S. will be.
  • Los Angeles is still plagued by earthquakes, and making a life there impossible.

This Star prophecies proved false:

  • Beyonce declare her pregnancy. It would be a boy (in June 2011, there were rumors that she was pregnant).
  • Barack Obama and Michelle are parents again
  • Hillary Clinton receives the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Warren Beatty and Annette Benning separate
  • George is married Clloney
  • Lady Gaga will setllen her acting talent (one dramatic and one comic role) and to be seen on Broadway
  • A mega-star dies and attracts similar sensation like Michael Jackson - Amy Winehouse?

Film about doomsday

The Mayan calendar inspired not only Weltuntergangstheortiker, but also Hollywood director Roland Emmerich for his movie "2012". In it, he staged with collapsing skyscrapers and giant tidal waves, the end of mankind on 21 December 2012.
