Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dump GoDaddy Day

Dump GoDaddy Day
On 29 December, should change according to a general call, the user of the domain registrar and web host Go Daddy in droves to their suppliers. The reason is that Godaddy support as one of the greatest exponents of his craft the controversial U.S. bill to the "Stop Online Piracy Act" (SOPA). The draft provides for far-reaching blocking of websites that violate copyrights or contribute to copyright infringement. His opponents, including calibers, such as Google, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft fear a curtailment of freedom of speech on the net and a decline in innovation.

GoDaddy was initially surfaced with dozens of other companies on a SOPA-list of supporters. A user of the online forum Reddit called "SelfProdigy" then called for a boycott, and appointed the 29th December for the "Dump GoDaddy Day" - on this day should go collectively GoDaddy registered their company provider. The online encyclopedia Wikipedia announced on 23 December that they wanted to get off at GoDaddy. Imgur, one of the world's largest image hosting websites, has made the transition already.
GoDaddy back rows

After massive criticism of the attitude of the company GoDaddy rowed back quickly. Support for SOPA was terminated. In a blog entry, the company affirmed its original intention, the wording of the bill to influence from within. But we have seen that the integrity of the Internet, as well as freedom of expression with SOPA would not be guaranteed and therefore decided on a change of position.

In the course of the 29th December will be seen as further evaluate GoDaddy customers the changing attitude of the company and what the consequences are drawn.
Criticism of Internet and legal experts

The supported primarily by the film and music industry SOPA aims to empower the U.S. Department of Justice, websites that violate copyright laws, to make it inaccessible and cut off all funding. More specifically, ISPs are forced to conduct operations in the Domain Name System (DNS) of the Internet, through the affected sites are no longer accessible. However, this measure is not reliable, as has already been developed bypass procedures for these DNA manipulations. Such a weakening of the DNA, however, would ruin the view of the Internet as a unified, global communications network.

Many Internet experts consider the bill a major step toward government censorship, as in the style of the Great Firewall in China. Many legal experts consider the draft SOPA therefore particularly dangerous because it allows court decisions without prior consultation with the accused party - a clear violation of their view, the U.S. Constitution.
