Friday, December 30, 2011

Pippa Middleton

Pippa Middleton
The power of social networks that have led the list of twelve 'Women of the Year' proposed by the BBC has had a recent addition by popular demand: Sweetie, a panda Edinburgh Zoo. Among the proposals highlights a Spanish chain: the Duchess of Alba, who has entered the list for marrying at age 85.

Decided to mobilize thousands of Internet users to include in the list of the twelve women in 2011 to Sweetie. Under the hashtag # pandagate, Twitter users gave their vote to include this animal bicolor in the ranking of the chain, displacing other candidates proposed by the BBC as two women who have married this year: Charlene Wittstock or aristocrat Doña Cayetana.

Among the other women who complete this particular symbolic dozen faces in 2011 is also the real sister, Adele and singer PippaMiddleton.

For its part has managed to exalt Sweetie in this list after arriving at the zoo in the town of Edinburgh. In his short review, the BBC website could not do anything but make this a biography of China whose care costs about 720,000 euros a year. In the phrase that defines the reason for incorparción reads "Giant Panda comes to Edinburgh."

And it is not the first time that the wit and humor of the Internet foster an animal strain so popular in the year-end rankings. In fact, this year a pig and a tent were about to slip between the 'men of the year' according to the chain.
