Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sacramento Kings

Sacramento Kings
The plan of the Maloof brothers were once put back into the cabinet and then the Californian capital to keep their own basketball franchise. Whether the move to Anaheim has completely destroyed, is just one of many uncertainties which will result in the near or distant future, probably the Kings.

Last season should be made ​​one step forward, but mostly by the heel injury ROY 2010 Tyreke Evans and the constant fuss over the alleged move, the Kings were never really in motion. At the end of an epidemic season was the second to last place in the Western Conference and only 24 victories.
To the new season, with slightly altered roster, everything will improve, the city burns, the team formally and still enjoy as long as it is at all possible. One longs for basketball again, the season can begin.

What's new?
The city is played in the basketball is still the same. However, the team blows a fresh wind. With Samuel Dalembert, Beno Udrih and Omri Casspi players left the Kings, which had to be replaced adequately.
For the Starting Five came J.J. Hickson (PF 13.8 P, 8.7 R) of the Cleveland Cavaliers and John Salmons (SG / SF 14P, 3.5 A) of the Milwaukee Bucks.
After much back and forth was also Chuck Hayes (R, C, P 7.9, 8.1 R) is committed as a free agent by the Houston Rockets. His contract was dissolved after a suspected cardiac disease, however, independent specialists, certified him as a full sport activity, he signed a new contract.
Draft to be secured in Sacramento Tyler Honeycutt and local hero Isaiah Thomas.Beide it difficult to have minutes to collect, Thomas will stand by its position and its home advantage probably more often on the floor.
Both, however, are overshadowed by the superstar of the last NCAA season: Jimmer Fredette, point guard from Brigham Young University, was the top scorer nationwide. His partially demented three litters points and the ability to create their own throw, it will make an important (role) player of the Kings.

It was surprisingly quiet in summer, which affects the Kings. In the last season, the Never-Ending Story suggested by the move to Anaheim on the basketball mind. The game moved on the floor, partly because of the failure, in the background. Now, however, a new hall to be built in Sacramento. Sorely needed, because the power balance is Pavilion as a home, due to slightly more than 17,000 places, unsuitable as unattractive and unprofitable. Are there any new arena, there will be new turmoil and suffering among the team. Probably we would then see the Royals in Anaheim 2012/13 in the NBA.

Tyreke Evans with DeMarcus Cousins ​​and we have two players in the team who undoubtedly have the talent to deliver durable All-Star worthy seasons. Evans has just leader qualities and is willing to take decisive throws.
In his rookie season, he provided statistics that before he reached only Oscar Robertson, Michael Jordan and LeBron James. He raises this level after the injury again so will benefit all players.
Overall, the team scoring an incredible quality. Besides the 2 above, there is also Marcus Thornton, who scored in his half season in Sacramento, about 20 points on average. Jimmer Fredette is, if he is allowed to take his throws. As a player at BYU, he has already shown he can throw on an assembly line of 3 and became the top scorer in college after all.

Could be as good the Kings in scoring so poorly they were playing together, or building game. Only 27% of Evans successful litters were prepared with assists, while Cousins ​​is the Big Men in last place when it comes to preparing their own basket successes.
Well not really a point guard has been committed, but Evans will grow into that role and leave his final position as shooting guard. But it must be doubted that he, at least in the near future, creating a ball distributor of first quality.
There are also players like Fredette and Salmons, although, score, but not necessarily distribute the balls. This will not necessarily improve the team play and there is a risk that one or the other ego is easily scratched. Whether and how this affects the team spirit remains to be seen.

Players to watch: Jimmer Fredette
Jimmermania in the capital of California! When the best college athletes and the NCAA's best scorer in the draft of a team is picked, a hysteria is rarely far away. So also in Sac-Town to see here. Fredette that, despite impressive scoring skills (28.9 points in the senior year of college at a rate of 3% from 39.6% as a senior and 44 junior), was never as secure Lotterypick is due to the many question marks on his game. His defense, his skills as a point guard and his size / athleticism make doubters out loud. Despite these "shortcomings" he became a star in college and could not defend. In the NBA he will have to prove themselves. He takes further so reliable from the outside, he will be at least an important role players. With the ability of his own union to create , but he stands out from the crowd. He completed his game even with a good ball distribution and shows he has good defense, then it may be due to its popularity and its influence, one face of the franchise.

It will go forward in Sacramento, the disease is years behind the team. The roster includes a lot of talent, but talent does not necessarily even now promises success. This season will probably be seen again as a transition, because in the playoffs strong west seem impossible. Only when Evans unexpectedly fast becoming a playmaker is, Jimmer airs like in college, and cousins ​​of maturity to win, it would smell with an early run may briefly after playoffs. However, one should not expect too much from such a young team. The age will help them but in the short but tough season, but is the culmination of the team (yet) in the future. Nevertheless, it is quite possible that the team, even in a shortened season, brings more wins than last season.
