Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ron Paul

Ron Paul
Recently, I have trouble sleeping. I'm sitting here in my living room in Karnei Shomron, Israel, in the 8th Night of Hanukkah, and I wonder what other wonders on 3 January and be available in the coming months. The name Ron Paul is constantly at my fingertips. I typed it so many times during the past few months, it's crazy. I am so excited as rarely ever before, and I do not even live in America. During the last Republican debate I got up at 3 am Israeli time clock to clock a 20 EST Live Stream on YouTube to see, without getting tired. I stand on the gas and can not calm down.

I've only recently figured out why I am so excited.

I began to interest me for all this freedom of movement, when I heard that Ron Paul all development assistance, including that wants to emphasize my country, Israel. I thought this was a fantastic idea. I hate the idea of ​​taking the money of American taxpayers, I do not need. The only reason why we take it is not the way that we need it. We take it, because we want to feel not alone, and Jews always feel a deep existential isolation and loneliness. "From the rocky peaks I see it, from the hills I'm aware of it: A nation that lives entirely for himself, which is not counted among the nations," said Balaam over the people of Israel in the fourth book of Moses, 23, 9 This loneliness we still feel. So we take the money. It is a shame, it's theft, it is seditious, it is morally wrong and leads to the fact that people hate us, that we drag them into a conflict whose solution is not their task is. I wanted to see an end to its trust, and no Israeli leader to give it up voluntarily, so I tried to find out more about Ron Paul.

What I found was fascinating. In the forums I learned from people who already began in 2008 literally to total exhaustion for this man. Some poured money into his campaign, they could not afford, and some even went their marriage because of her unwavering commitment to break crazy. This has shocked me. I could understand it yet, but after I had listened to him a few days, I began to understand.

What inspires such extreme behavior to Ron Paul? A support so insane on the one hand and fear and terror on the other? I can give the answer in one word: soul.

The essential spirit of a person is by definition free. The idea that men are free by God's provision, it is foreign to most people. This is because that control most other people and take them to freedom. This is usually referred to as the drive for power. The power drive is the opposite of freedom, since the ability to control other power means. There is only one legitimate purpose, can be used to power and should, whether it concerns military, legislative or executive power. And who is the legalization of freedom.

Ron Paul does not want to be president to me "give" freedom. He heard my freedom and he gave me. The only reason why Ron Paul wants to be president is that he stop punishing people for exercising their freedom, which rightfully belongs to them, I will. He does not want power. It is clear to everyone who listens to him when he talked.

There are two types of people. Those who want power and those who want freedom. You can tell pretty easily who is who. Those who want freedom are straightforward. They are stable, principled, and when they speak with one, you can feel her human soul. There is out there somewhere on a continuum of human souls in the spiritual cyberspace, and if you come into contact with one of these souls, we know that immediately, because souls are by definition free. You can sense sincerity, authenticity, consistency, a free man. If one person is looking for the freedom and comes with a true human soul into contact, one is instantly addictive and devours what you get in your hands. One would like to merge immediately, even if you do not agree to anything. There are people in the freedom of movement that Israel may not be straight, especially me as a "settler" is not, and I do not care. If they want freedom, then I realize that my human drive toward individualism and transformed himself into an intense desire to unite into a community - but to a community of free individuals. It is a wonderful dialectic, and it does not matter where we agree or not, as long as we are of one mind about freedom.

Man gets hooked on Ron Paul and desperately looking for one more and more, each video from the past, you may find that, every speech, which you missed, what he says everything, from which one has heard anything yet, although it already has heard a thousand times in other words. Man is helpless. The insatiable desire to be able to use their own God-given freedom, completely overwhelms you. It is as if one suddenly realizes that you are a human and the divine image, as God has created you will be alive and on fire.

But something else happens to you. Once you're hooked on Ron Paul, it can no longer bear to listen to someone who wants power - and when they start to talk about it, one is immediately disgusted. Before, they were just boring. Now they are disgusting. Romney or Gingrich or listen to Bush or Obama makes you sick and you do not like Ron Paul keeps the debates by without him getting sick. One sees a political facade for these politicians, which is so transparent, as if a ghost you would stick out his tongue essential. There is too much to bear.

What makes it so unbearable to listen or talk Gringrich Romney, is that as someone gets up and says things that are completely soulless. These are not free men. These are men of power. Not that Romney or Gringrich have no souls. You have one. They are just people like you and me. But they have virtually pledged their souls in an attempt to gain power to control others with turns and phrases, and with contradictory statements like: "I want to cut the budget and expand the military," it said in a friendly tone, and without the air to forgive, just as a soulless sound. Your humanity is so buried under the lies they tell themselves that neither they themselves can still feel their souls in the human continuum. The sight of a talking human body without communicating soul can make a free man insane.

The reason why Ron Paul loses in the polls never lies in the fact that he is not in the conventional sense of the people "convinced" that he was right in all possible points. It activates human souls, a spiritual fire, lit by one, as he talks about freedom. Is activated only once and a soul man realizes that he is free to do whatever people tell him, or there is no turning back. The other candidates are trying with pointed one-liners that sound cool to twist their heads. Slaves follow these one-liners like a mob and follow each of candidate to candidate. Slowly but surely turned on Ron Paul some of the individual souls in this mob, while those from a brisk counter next to the teeter-pronged counter, and he rises in the polls.

However, we can not expect that every man, woman and child understands the message of liberty or life's work. In fact, most not handle it easily. Really to be free is just as terrifying as electrifying. The Bible tells us so much detail in the story of the Exodus from Egypt. When Moses eventually took on the role of the liberator of God, he was told to my ancestors, the Israelites, to say: "Therefore say to the children of Israel: I am the Lord. I am leading you from the forced labor and out of Egypt I free you from their bondage. I redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty signs. And I take it for my people and will be your God, and ye shall know that I am the Lord, who hath freed from forced labor in Egypt. "(Second book of Moses, 6, 6-7)

And what was the answer of my ancestors? "And Moses spoke to this effect to the children of Israel, and because of discouragement from the hard service they wanted to hear but do not." (6, 9)

Not everyone can handle the message of freedom. For some people it's too scary and some are very easy to enslave. These are the people who despise Ron Paul, the same sort of people who rebelled against Moses in the desert and tried to return to Egypt. Freedom is too much for them and they can not cope with this divine gift. They want and need someone to control it. Their souls have been through slavery, war, taxation and too much damage.

But nevertheless, God forced my stiff-necked ancestors to leave Egypt, and therefore I am here today to preach freedom again, fighting not only for America's freedom, but for my own freedom from the influence of America in my own region.

Elect Ron Paul and let my people go again! Stop, you intervene here and listen to you to buy influence by her give me money. Stop trying to bring peace to the Almighty to be here and let us solve our problems alone. If we think that Iran is a threat, then we can handle it and we will suffer the consequences. It is not America's problem and you can not afford another war.

Now I understand why people would give anything for this man. Whenever he gets asked the question, "Would you legalize heroin?" Ron Paul responds, "I want to legalize freedom!" These people do not think much of that freedom a thousand times more addictive than heroin.

American Jews! Wake up! Let your brothers in Israel free! We were the first nation that God ever gave to freedom, and we carried the idea of ​​freedom in the world when we left Egypt 3,000 years ago. It is finally time that we are the example for which we have been chosen.
