Weight-loss plans |
Weight loss reduces blood pressure in obese people, while also providing "beneficial effects" in multimorbidity patients with diabetes or hyperlipidemia, as revealed by the study "Benefits of weight loss in people with multiple pathologies', performed by specialists Hospital Regional de Ronda (Malaga) and presented recently at Seville, in the framework of the 36 Congress of the Andalusian Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SAEN).
This work, which has had access to Europa Press, part precisely on the premise that there are already "sufficient evidence" to "document and endorse" the relationship between increased blood pressure, hypertension and excess body fat.
Similarly, the authors of this paper argue in the introduction of the same also that there is "conclusive evidence" that the weight loss not only reduces blood pressure in obese individuals, "but also has beneficial effects on insulin resistance, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, left ventricular obstructive sleep apnea. "
At the time underline the fact that many of the factors that influence these diseases are "modifiable", both which are related to behavioral factors, "such as diet, physical inactivity and consumption of snuff and alcohol", as in a biological factor, "such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, overweight or hyperinsulinemia."
"It is here in the ability to modify these factors, we can and must act," the researchers highlight of this work, that just points to the reduction of long-term weight "as an important part of the focus on obese people with diabetes. "
Therefore, were marked as an objective of this investigation to ascertain the specific clinical case in a direct factor leading to adherence and monitoring of health claims about weight loss and its relationship with better metabolic control, both diabetes, and the blood pressure, total cholesterol and triglycerides.
Thus, as methodology, presented a case of monitoring and development for 18 months in the nursing visit of a woman of 50 years, Anglo-Saxon, who lives on the Costa del Sol for 25 years, married, no children, smoker than 15 cigarettes a day, obese and sedentary.
In their study clarified that the target patient is an obese person that starts with hyperglycemia and diabetes suggesting at the same time, debuts with mixed dyslipidemia and hypertension. Also, reviews that have eating habits "English style", with drug treatment for diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia.
After assessing the clinical results prior and subsequent control of the disease and test of adherence to treatment plan for this patient, the study's authors concluded that weight reduction reduces blood pressure not only in obese individuals, but also has effects beneficial in diabetes and hyperlipidemia. In addition, they stress that "many factors" that influence these diseases are modifiable, "both behavioral and biological factors."